Laugh is Kinda What We Need, I Mean Everyone is So Serious Right Now
You don’t laugh? Die. Bye.👋
In his latest special; Live from Brooklyn, Jo Koy opens his stand up with anxiety about today’s world. Especially in social media. He thinks that everyone is so goddamn serious right now. He tells the audience in his opening bit by telling that most of bosses or supervisors don’t laugh. They don’t even smile at the office.
Koy wraps it up by riffing the audience who laughs so hard. As he mentions; ‘see, that black guy over there who touches his nose while laughing.’ Koy slices his riffing into his material as he teaches audience to enjoy laughing more and that will give you a long live. ‘It feels good to laugh, that’s god medicine, God gave that to you.’
So what we have to do to people who hardly laugh in their life? Who cannot even enjoy their life with smiling or laughing? Die. Bye.
Koy’s stand up is not like stand up (you know what I mean?). He does it like he is just having conversation with audience, but in a prestigious building in Brooklyn. He writes his material so neat and tidy. Spotless. We don’t feel like we’re watching a show, more like we just sitting at the coffee house next to an old man who’s just crumping and talking a lot.
He’s old as fuck, really old. Even in his stand up, he advices the audience that they’re not living the way human is supposed to live. Real life. He thinks that people today just living in their social media and don’t have real friends. They thought that having a lot of followers is same as having a lot of friends. Koy says no.
Koy has a very different point of view as he says social media is fucked up everybody that it makes people think someone follows you because they like you. They don’t. They follow you because they wanna see you fucked up. Sounds very old, doesn’t it?
Ok, let’s continue. Move on to the next bit, his unease feeling about social media getting uneasier. You know nowdays gen Z people learn a lot from 15 seconds Tiktok content and feel like they know the real world. Koy hits that very smooth and personal so the audience doesn’t feel like they’re judged. Otherwise they just feel this is only Koy’s personal feeling as an old school person who grows up learning with books and teacher.
Back in his days, everyone had to go out and see shit to learn something. Kinda like going to school just to know that 2+2=4. Now, in 15 seconds we can even learn the histoy of country named Surname is found. Koy doesn’t get that so easy in his days, Koy goes out to find out for himself.
I’ll tell ya why this feels very special and different. If Trevor Noah wraps his historical meterial in comedy. Koy gives a direct example of ‘going out to see the real world’. In his opening bit, he riffs the black guy, asian guy, and white guy. Koy’s story telling not only a one-way conversation that the audience only listened to him. But two-way convo that the audience also can be heard.
One premise, riffing. One premise, riffing. Another premise, another riffing. The show’s is not boring. It’s fun. You know what? It even makes more special that when I find out he sets that riffings as the part of his material. So he can bring out the punchline that proofs what he talks about earlier; going out and find out for yourself what the real world is.
You need to go out and see shit, stop hiding in your shell and let social media tell you who’s wrong and who’s right. Go out there and fucking find out for yourself cus I went to Brooklyn, I see asian people, white people, black people, and we laugh at the same fucking thing.
The topic is still about social media, he takes it further back to his earlier days. The sad reality of today’s life, where everyone is obsessed with the number of likes on their selfie photos succesfully converted into a funny story by Jo Koy. He begins the story about kids taking thousands selfies and afther that; they say ‘got it’. Of course you got it! :)
Nobody thinks of your pictures on Instagram, nobody really likes it. They just tap it, scroll it. Tap it, scroll it. They don’t even see it. They don’t care.
See how smart Jo Koy packs his comedy; he compares that situation into his. Koy smartly says that no one will fake-liking his picture, because he physically shows his picture to them. Back in his days, there was no Instagram. :) So people had to say that your picture is good, you can’t deny it, tho.
Move on from the social media. Koy continues his material by saying that he is some old person who is saying old shit. I can give you an example in Bahasa Indonesia; gen Z nowadays don’t say ‘berangkat’ as they tell their friends that they’re on their way. Instead, they say ‘otw!’
What does Koy say in here is same exact thing (in English ofc) and I can relate it because of the vibes and the feel. Another example that old person often say that they’re more superior than us or their generation is the best gen ever is… music taste.
Koy’s generation once told his dad that his musics is better and his dad. And his dad music sucks. He thinks he’s right and yea we know he is right. Now he is at his father’s age and his son so saying same old shit to his face. Is the son right? Nope. Koy pushes his principal that still; his gen that he only gen who had good music taste. You know what? people who attend to the show an us who watch it on Netflix know that he is right. Today’s music sucks. We cannot compare our rap to Koy’s rap.
The mumble-mumble rap was the memorable bit from this show. And…Yes, if he sounds old, he sounds old. And if you didn’t know, then you know. (You will get it if you watch the show).
Talkin’ about old means also talkin’ about health. Koy this time doesn’t destroy young generation. But he encourages ’em to enjoy more of their lives while they can. He cannot enjoy his life no more. Thing starts tighten up and his walk is even in trouble. Old person, sick comes outta nowhere. Unpredictable, you can’t just deny it. You have to suffer it.
Yea, this special is so funny even from the premise. He doesn’t even arrive at the punchline yet but we all already laugh hard as it was the punchline. Talking about the ill he’s suffering from, Koy’s funny story perfectly arrived in our imagination; he didn’t have butt! :) Funny aight? Yes everybody, Jo Koy didn’t have butt, you wont unnerstand til you watch it. Where this punchline does arrive? It arrives with Jo Koy’s ‘what if’ punchline. He wonders that:
“Oh my god, how can I have ass like this? My ass is my back!… how can the girls I dated want to date with me?! The minute we hooked up she sould’ve left!!!”
Social media done, aging down, now we’ll talk about comparison between each generation. Today’s generation are more aware of bullying. Teacher can’t be teaching too hard, parents can’t even say no, friends don’t laugh at each other father’s name like we did back in the days. You know who’s bullied Koy and why his generation are bully-proof with now mental health issues heard from his gen?
Because the bully is his mom himself! :) Saying: ‘Koy you have ugly face’ then Koy went to school hearing the same sentence from his teacher and his mind made up saying ‘hey that’s what my mom said to me this morning’. We cannot do that to our gen Z can we? Gen Z even can be mad to the movie who has a handicap character but played by a normal person. -_-
Other ways that make gen Z softer are technology. In Koy’s gen, their parents are the ones who create a winning mentality to their kid. When their son going home late and the street is so dark with no vechiles. You know what Koy’s mom doing? She tells on the phone that she is already on her pajamas and tells Koy to run… ‘runnnnnn! Don’t stop even if you’re tired, just ruunnn’. Born a winner.
What happens to kid nowadays? Uber. Done. Two o’clock in the morning, streets is dark and no one left? Uber. Home is so far? Uber. No food left at home, what? Cooking? No, Uber Eats. Generation Z everybodyyyyyy.
For a closing, Koy uses this moment to give us advice, especially to young kid who attends to his show. Koy begin by tells the kid to not talk back to his mom. But talk back to his dad, so his dad won’t have a gut to talk shit to his mom. When moms ask to clean your room, you don’t answer ‘yes’ but answer ‘how many rooms?’ That’s it. That is the simple way to make your mom happy.
Why? Because a mom once ripped her pussy for only giving you life you had today. Don’t ever compare your shit to your mom’s. You tired of what? Living? School? Friends? Hard life? Remember that your mom suffers a lot since the beginning of your life. So, if your mom ask to clean your room you say ‘how many rooms?’ Get it?