Maybe before learn about culture, they have to learn about the differences in their own class first.
Face to face with somebody we dunno for 2 straight weeks is kinda same as you have to watch porn for doing a fertility test.
Cross Cultural Understanding or mentioned us CCU is the course in university that teaches everybody about other countries cultural and knowledge. Then for final exam they will be separated into fifteen groups represent 15 countries.
For the course, every week one group has to present their presentation about the country they represent. Then in final exam they’d had dance perform in campus’ ballroom. The lecture gives freedom for them to mix modern and traditional dance, duration, and music but they must wear the country’s traditional clothes.
Before CCU they have to meet and connect with somebody they dunno before or maybe they don’t like. Because the group members were drawn by the lecture.
Before CCU they have to spend their times training, practicing with people they don’t want to be together with. They don’t even want to train the dance, especially boys. They hate to dance and wearing clothes. They think it is like a clown. Everybody feels lazy towards this course.
Before CCU, it was the time where book from Thomas Erikson Surrounded by Idiots means about. Every lesson in there, how about to understand others that can’t be understood, and how to learn about 4 types of human behavior. Glad to the person who reads it. They will easily control the person they don’t like or somebody who has shit attitude.
During CCU they have to let themselves to be a stage-clown. They’re dancing, smiling, also wearing make up and clothes that everybody would laugh at. They have to represent and pretend to be one of native from the country they don’t even know before or maybe hate. They must willing that his behavior on stage to be laughed by everybody who is watching. And… everybody laughs at everybody. So, fair enough. (Except for people who always get offended by anything).
After CCU, everybody takes a picture with everybody. Everybody will take a picture of their groups first (which is with the person they feel strange). And then they’re taking picture with their true gangs. With different traditional clothes and then post in on social media captioned flags from country each one of ’em represents.
After CCU we ca see that everybody can’t stand alone without their own group of friends. It’s naturally human nature. They will round their closest and feels awkward or anxious with people they feel strange.
After CCU we can see everybody after comes off the stage they looks for their friends and forgets their group that they together for days before. They feel that they’re not important anymore because their duty is finally off. It’s time to back to nature!
So, in CCU, instead of we learn about cultural from other countries, we learn how to fake, enjoy the moment we don’t even like, and smile to people we don’t like because we have to see ’em everyday.
We have to spend money just to learn countries that perhaps we can learn it for free on YouTube. We have to learn and observe how other groups can mange and perform better performance than us. How they manage their friend who dunno each other before to having chemistry on stage.
We have to spend our times to practice dancing. We must spend days, weeks for exam that only take 4 minutes. It’s like Usain Bolt train for 20 years just for run 10 seconds.
And also we learn how to manage our insecurity seeing other groups is better trained and well prepared than us.
Faramedia, writer not dancer~